# Merging Layers The contents of two or more layers can be merged into one single layer. Hold the ** Command ⌘** key to easily select several layer, or hold the **Shift ⇧** key to select all the layers that lie between the first and the second layer that you choose to select. To merge two or more layers, select these layers and choose _**Merge Layers**_ from the _**Layer actions menu**_, or choose **Arrange > Merge Layers** [**⌘** - **E**] from the menu bar. (video: merginglayers1.mp4 width: 750) > Tip: You can also access the **Layer actions menu** by **right-clicking** on a layer. Select only one layer and choose _**Merge Down**_ from the _**Layer actions menu**_ to merge your selected layer with the one that lies right below it in the Layers panel. Alternatively, you can choose **Arrange > Merge Down** [**⌘** - **E**] from the menu bar. (video: merginglayers2.mp4 width: 750) Choose _**Merge Visible**_ from the _**Layer actions menu**_, or **Arrange > Merge Visible Layers** [**⇧** - **⌘** - **E**] from the menu bar to merge all visible layers into a single layer. (video: merginglayers3.mp4 width: 750)

Next: Blending Layers >